Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Time for a New Song #acceptance

Much doom and gloom is around us all so let us stand and sing in unison. Its time for a new song! In the words of the song, Dont weep and moan because hes blown, just face the world and smile. Coz when your crying, dont you know that your make-up starts to run, and your eyes get red and  scrappy. but when your smilin keep on smilin  the whole world smiles with you. 

Yes, I have cut and pasted the lyrics but I am sure you get the picture. We need to embrace the positives that we have. We need to reject some of those negatives and steer them towards positive thoughts.  Lets not let that evil overpower us, lets cast those devils to the wind and cry for them to leave our presence and take their horrid attitudes and stick them where.. oooops!! I believe Im probably getting a tad too descriptive at this point but again, I think your get the picture. 

So many of us live in a world where bullying, selfishness, alienation, greed and ambiguous love exists.  Its time to sing a new song where pure unadulterated love and caring are set free to reign -  love that has no limitations, love that has no rules but to love and be loved in return,  no hidden agendas. Its time for a new song where caring for our fellow man/woman has no limits and no thoughts of cost or time or energy - a caring for others that we do not expect the return of said to boost our egos, a caring that is beyond mere words.  A caring that puts us on the edge and makes us think, have we actually done enough.  And enough is non-existent in the caring and loving fields of our lives.
Its time to take on the love of the innocent, and remember the simple approach to life,  a life that everyone is equal that everyone has their voice, and together as one voice we can move  mountains. 

Its time for a new song that embraces the aged, the children and the in betweens on lifes treadmill.  We are all equal after all, in the eyes of anyones God. The Gods that we worship are built on love no matter what denomination we believe in.  The rules that are read into our Gods love are just written by people who may as humans, isolate and persecute others for just being themselves. So, its time for a new song  to bring back the unified chorus of the people to our religions.  Our Gods have never wanted anything but love and caring.  It is the human element that has destroyed people, put up barriers, built prejudice, built hierarchy and taken the simple love from our beliefs.

Its time for a new song that our politicians remember they are elected by the normal people and in being elected, they are there to carry out the wants and needs of the people who voted for them.  They are not there to dictate their prejudice and their pet hates. Their job is to be the voice of the people who elected them to office. Their job is to ensure that the needs of the people are priority with health and well-being of their constituents at the top end of their agenda.  Their job is not to glorify themselves and believe that they are untouchable from the mortal man/woman. 

So too our religious leaders, they should be the voice of God. Their bias and prejudice should not give them the right to condemn, to cast judgement, to  isolate minorities owing to their personal bent on life.  Our Gods are built on love, and only humans interpreted the very essence on which our religions are built in the first place. 

So lets scream it is time for a new song and cry out loud that we are equal, that we are worthy of a voice, and that we will join in unity to make this gloom and doom turn to better place that we can co-exist, and fear will be a thing of the past.  Yes, there will always be some tough times but together through love and caring we can make this world a better place that we may all keep on smilin and share a love that has more power than that of evil.

Lets make this our challenge - to think positively, to encourage others to join with us to stomp out fear, prejudice and hatred and bring in love and caring to make this world a better place.  

                                     When You're Smiling - Louis Armstrong

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