About Us!
Recently, on my return from overseas, I joined forces with my Bestie to bring you Bitches Coz. Being gay at a time when there is real change beginning to happen with LGBTI issues worldwide, is exciting. Having grown up at a time where the LGBTI community had no rights at all (heaven forbid - it was a criminal offense to have sex with another man) I celebrate these changes that are happening, but also acknowledge there is still a long way to go! Undoubtedly, there are still difficulties with growing up gay, but I hope through this blog and my stories that I can help others with their journey.
Our blog will touch on sensitive issues, on funny situations, and on serious topics, with a touch of flair, quick wit, and a wealth of experience. Being diametrically opposed in our upbringings brings a distinct advantage to our view on life. We literally are - where the bush meets the city; where the polished meets the rough; where the gay meets the straight! Sometimes we marvel at our friendship, but our differences only work to highlight our similarities and that our friendship is forged in a trust that few ever experience.
As much as the gay community likes to think that the world begins and ends with us, at Bitches Coz we will attempt to discuss topics that affect all members of society as well as targeting gay issues.
We believe that there are
many issues out there that simply need to be discussed, as for far too long
avoidance seems to be the practice of most. It is strange in a world where the
internet has opened up a world of unlimited information we are still loath to
discuss subjects such as political correctness, euthanasia, death and dying, abuse, discrimination etc. Maybe we practice avoidance as a means
of survival, but at the end of the day we need to discuss these topics. It is
only when we begin to have these conversations that we can say we have truly grown
up as a society and make decisions that are balanced and based on fact rather
than bigotry.
At Bitches Cos, this blog is a collaborative effort where we fight for the underdog. Come with us on our journey where we discuss, bitch, laugh, and cry about topics close to our hearts.