Saturday, 7 May 2016

Anyone for Tea?

It is said that bantering between Winston Churchill and Lady Astor was rife and quite often amusing. The infamous quote where Lady Astor said, “Winston if you were my husband, I would poison your tea.” and, Winston in reply said, “Madam if you were my wife, I would drink it.” is quite amusing but, in fact very close to home. When I think of the male role models I have had over the years, two of the three, remind me of the desperation and confusion that must have gone through their minds as to whether to drink the potion, or not! To say this confusion played a big part in their lives is an understatement. 

Two vibrant, articulate, handsome men caught in a web of a very evil, conniving, self-centered, ogre of a woman. Two self-reliant men, capable of anything yet, vulnerable to their own detriment.  Two men who nursed, cared for, and loved their first wives to the end. Two strong men , both fragile enough to fall prey to a spider so calculating, able to draw them into her web of deceit and lies.  Two men, who did nothing, to deserve this fate.   Two men, whose only thoughts were to love, and to be loved in return.

The first of these three men escaped from the web but, not without battle fatigue or, without the sting that she would inflict on him.  Yes indeed he escaped her clutches, but to do so he suffered dearly, but he kept strong with the love that he had to offer. Even she could not take that love that was in his heart. Yes, he was younger, stronger and found someone that would love him and be with him to this day.  However, the love that he found, created a stronger deadlier venom in the evil spider from whom he escaped - a venom that one can only fear.  Fear and stay clear of her webs. 

From the very day he left her life, her rampage of terror gained momentum.  From that very day she gathered allies. She gathered them to connect by a mutual relationship, a resemblance to friendship, and once she had gained their strength she would devour their very being, and cast them from her side forever.

She developed a very cunning persona. Outwardly she was the pillar of society, the pillar of the church, the pillar of compassion and caring, but her victims fell into her poisonous web.  The victims, or people she cared for, would be stripped of their nearest and dearest, stripped of their possessions and totally dependent on the spider.  Then, as sure as the sun rises, they would be stripped of their lives. 

The two men had no chance.  They could not see nor foretell their fate.  This black widow spider was about to serve them tea and they had no choice but to drink it.  When each of the two men entered  into her life, she devoured their prior existence, she excluded friends, family, and the very things that indeed gave them pleasure, their sport, their books, their computers, their love for others.  She possessed their minds and in so doing convinced those around them that she was indeed the carer, the lover, the wife. 

Both of these two men both begged to know why they were in this situation.  Alas the convincing spider gained control of their medications, their activities and their bank balances.  After all it was not difficult at this point to convince them that their only activity was to visit another doctor, to find yet another disability that drew them closer to their death.

So convincing is she, that right to the end, she would strip them of their minds, their sight and their hearing, all in order to keep her web intact.  At the end she would draw on her rent a crowd of friends (all of whom were as deceitful as she) to cover her tracks so as not to lose traction to her lies and deceit. In doing so, would leave a path of broken friends and family to wonder how anyone could act with such evil in her heart. (A heart made of stone)

These two men died in a delirium of wonder, both suffering more than during their time in military service, both wondering what they had done to deserve this in their final days.  Both begged to drink that tea and go over the mountain to a new life.  The third man is bruised and frail now, but knows that he will pass in the arms of a woman who is the love of his life, a woman that has given him his heart back and a woman who returns his love, a woman who cares deeply. 

To all three men I offer you peace.  To the two men already gone, I pray you will find your friends and family in the next life.  I pray that those friends and family will take you in their arms and give you comfort as has the thirds man’s wife.  I pray that you will wake from your slumber of pain and find wings of angels and fly.  As for me, I miss you all dearly. And as I sort my way through this seemingly drunken debacle, if I was ever to see this woman again, I know as Bessie Braddock said to Winston, the scene would be set for her from me.  This spider’s words would be those of Bessie Braddock and they would be “Winston you are Drunk” and I would say to her as Winston said “Yes, madam I am drunk, but tomorrow you will still be ugly, very ugly and evil.”

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