Tuesday, 17 November 2015

High Heels and Machine Guns

It has always amazed me how difference is seen as a threat.  Difference to believe in what we see as right. Difference to be seen as equal. Difference to be ourselves. Difference to live our lives as we feel comfortable. But, merge them all together and combine it with religion, and attitude is to create havoc on society in general.
Being part of the gay community, we have asked for respect and dignity to be who we are.  Not once have we sought acceptance through violence and loss of life.  Instead, we have stood unashamed of our sexuality and individuality. We have stood side by side on floats,  and in gay bars worldwide, to show our solidarity for our equality and rights.  We have marched to a different drum - a drum that begs individuality; a drum that begs equality; a drum that begs acceptance to be who we are and to believe in our place in society.
Yes, in God's eye (no matter what faith or disposition) we are seen as equal. God in anyone's language is love. Love is, and should be, the corner stone to all. That same love is fundamentally our right through our faith. That faith should be be encouraged, be it black, white, male, female, and that love, as long as it does not physically harm anyone, should be the corner stone of humanity.
For centuries we have seen wars based on religion. We have seen wars based on power.  But, not once, have we seen wars based on sexuality.  We have seen many religions dependent on sexual sanctity, but has that sanctity been one of trust and love. We have seen young men and women used and abused sexually by our so called ‘chosen by God’ leaders. 

We have seen payoffs, standoffs and putoffs by our spiritual leaders, all in the name of love. However, say that two people of the same sex have that love connection, and they are doomed, despite their love being mutually acceptable.  In the eyes of some churches it is seen as sin.  God knows why straight relationships have survived considering Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit.  But, eyes are closed and never recalled to that situation.  

Like gay rights activists, women's rights activists, civil rights activists, these groups of people have protested, have marched, have voiced their opinion but they have never taken to the streets with guns blazing, killing innocent people because of their beliefs.  Instead, we have stood side by side (sometimes sprooking loudly) but never with guns to attain attention through power. We, as a group, have asked for equality not dominance.  Whereas, as these radical groups do not ask. In fact they are not interested in equality, they are only interested in dominance by force.

To those seeking power, I urge you throw down your guns, listen to the common people, and charge your  glasses with love not war. Join with the real people wanting equality, acceptance and a loving, caring  lifestyle. 

To those wearing the purple frocks, sprinkle some glitter of open mindedness. To those insisting on the burka, add a splash of colour and compassion. God damn it, since you have come this far, throw on some tinsel, don a pair of high heals and discard your machine guns and hop aboard the floats to equality town. 

In the words of Mother Teresa :- I can do things you cannot; You can do things I cannot; but together we can do great things.

I close these writings in hope that one day we will stand together as one, our voices  will be united in solidarity.  Whatever our path to equality may we find peace. I pray that together we may stand tall, together we may stand united and together.  May our tree of life exude peace, love and harmony. 

May our rocky road of life display the colours of the rainbow, and maybe, we all at one time  can be  part of the colourful ingredients of life’s combination of flavours and tastes.



1 comment:

  1. Beautifully put. Everyone in this world has the right to be true to themselves and be free to express who they really are. Most or should I say all wars have been faught over religion. History has more or less proved this. Fanatics and certain groups of religious organisations only have to go back through history to realise that when humanity is at risk, people will all come together to preserve it. Its been proven that human beings would really like to have freedom and peace. So folks why does this not apply to the gay community? They are human beings wanting to be loved and accepted the same as every other person on this planet. They only ask to be treated as equals so that they can lead a good and loving life like the rest of us. In a perfect world We would all be equal and live in peace but this is not a perfect world. So let's start somewhere. Let it be here. X��
