Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Despicable #elderabuse #rights

To say I am am angry is an understatement. This cold arsed Queen is so outraged with the lack of support that was given from my last blog, my tweets, my Facebook. I sent it to counsellors to politicians, lawyers, police, other gay people. Did anyone respond even with a like (maybe 3).  What was more disturbing is that, not one person, who may have been able to help or offer some advice, even bothered to comment, tweet or inbox me.

We as the LGBTQI community, ask for us gays to be equally accepted in the eyes of the law.  We ask, quite rightfully, to be equally accepted in the world in general.  However, do we think of anyone beyond our genitals, in regards to others, and their plight for equality? Do those who have suffered under inequality think of anyone beyond our own cause?  I not really think so.  We tend to be as narrow minded, and as selfish, as those that we accuse of bigotry toward us - only thinking self, and nothing of others that are suffering. Yes, marriage equality is important and I cannot wait to get married. But at this minute it is the farthest thing from my mind as I battle for recognition for the rights of the elderly to be safe from abuse and suffering.

I spoke last week of the fears I have for an older gentleman who is in the hands of a woman who could no less be described as a person with Munchausens by Proxy.  Sadly, if her victim was a child we would rally for the support of the victim.  However, her victim is an elderly gentleman and as such, he of course does not count.  It is fine to isolate, to mentally abuse, and to lead this man to his maker, in an act that is nothing short of murder. But, suspect the predator of abusing a child and, every law enforcement officer will be keen to look into the case confidentially and with haste. 

Not so for this gentleman! We need cold hard facts to even get past first base. This is a load of crock.  If I was to tell the police I suspected someone of trafficking drugs they would look at this case immediately and, if in so finding my suspicions were unwarranted, there would be no repercussions but a thanks and you are looking out for your country. 

But, try to look out for someone who has been trodden to his death bed and fears for his safety! Try to change that he will accept the outcomes of the murderer because that is all he has at this final hour! I defy you to get past first base. You are stonewalled at every turn. There are people in the medical industry who will give you advice, but they too are hamstrung in how much they are actually able to do. There are government agencies aplenty that supposedly support the elderly, report on nursing home abuses, give advocacy to those unable to speak for themselves. However, there is one hitch, the elderly person has to be declared not to have capacity! That is they are unable to take responsibility for themselves. Whilst they have all their faculties, even though they are trapped in an abusive situation there is nothing that can be done without their consent.   

I cry that we that have fought our case of equality for all these years and really do not give a damn for anyone but ourselves. Are we really that shallow that we can pass on this? 

Are our legal people and counsellors that weak that they cannot even offer a little concern, let alone grab it and run for legislation to be passed on something so despicable?

This guy, family and friends contacted everyone available to help on websites.  Police, elder abuse agencies, public guardian, psychologists at our own expense, doctors, public forums, medical facilities, the director of nursing where the patient resides, only to be cut down, to be treated without confidentiality, not even a reply in many instances. 

And in turn, the predator is advised of our concerns, blocking every avenue by virtue of being this old lady who has her husbands best interests at heart.  Should I say his heart coz she is the one, that is not only breaking his heart, but tampering with it through medication - ooooops pandadol.  This woman who has done it all before and will in fact continue doing it till the day she dies. I cannot understand how everyone says there is a case to answer and yet, because the victim is old, he somehow does not count any more. He is somehow less equal under the law.

We like, comment on  and discuss a little puppy with a bent tail. We discuss of the brutality of the Asians cooking live fish at the table of restaurants but when it comes down to elder abuse, do we really care?  Do we forget that one day (and it will move on us fast) that day will come to us. We even tweet to everyone of our latest novel of fiction and/or fantasy but  this to be real and happening, and no-one cares!!! God forbid us to share this real live case for others to contemplate! God forbid we actually do something about it. We hashtag #comeridewith me and feel like we have single handedly saved the world. But, that is simply a feel good tick. This case is no less real than any of the other atrocities and social issues that everyone hashtags but because this is about the elderly who cares? #no-one

This case is fact so let us get behind our elderly. Let us make sure that they are cared for in the manner they deserve. Let us make sure they live out their twilight years in happiness and with dignity. Let us not leave them to be abused and discarded on the scrap heap of humanity. So as you fight your fight for LGBTQI equality, spare a thought for an elderly learned gentleman, who earned not one, but two Victoria Crosses, in World War 2. As you worry about your next broken fingernail. I will worry that this old fellow will breathe his last as the world really does not give a damn.

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