To the Politicians, to the Legislators, to the Health Care Professionals, to those who intend to get old, and to those who give a damn for the aged!
The efforts, in the safeguarding of children
against abuse today are well documented and the commitment to the abolition of child
abuse is long overdue. However, the inadequacy of protection for another
vulnerable group in our society, and that is the elderly, requires effective protective legislation be put in place urgently! This should be similar to that which now
affords protection for our children.
To commence my discussion I would like to share
my experience of someone who was a victim of institutional abuse as a child and
will end his life as a victim of elder abuse. This makes me fear that while
they appear to rise above their experiences, and go on to live what appears to
be full and rich lives, are these people conditioned at an early age to be
victims their whole lives?
To say we come into this world naked, and leave
this world the same way, is beautiful thought of how we are equal from day one
till our death. We are as equal as the beauty that nature wanted for us.
However, to be stripped bare for an entire life,
is a total injustice that no one should ever experience. I sit and watch as a
man of greatness is breathing his last breaths in the hands of injustice again.
I sit watching, as our laws do not allow this man the dignity of passing in God’s own time, but passing in the hands of yet
another abuser.
This man born in 1925, in Scotland, survived
being abused as a child to his early teens, in and out of institutional care in
the Great Depression. He was devoted till the day his mother and grandmother
died, despite their inability to allow him the privilege of a proper home
life. But in his words, ‘These were hard times!’ Yes indeed, they were hard times but, why
did hard times have to be such a hard and damaging time for a child simply
being afforded what we see today as
basic necessities?
This man joined the military at a very early
age, became a war hero at 17 years of age honoured by the King. He lost his
hearing in the right side from this battle and carries the shrapnel to this
very day, to remind him why he fought for freedom in World War II. A freedom that he, and so many others,
fought so we may have freedom today - freedom to live; freedom to speak out on
injustice; freedom to champion the rights of the oppressed.
The very freedom that this man fought for has been
stripped from him yet again, left him naked and vulnerable. But this is not a
beauty of nature. This is one of greed, manipulation, isolation and deceit, dressed
in the clothes of an old woman who has the heart of a devil. The very same Hitlertarianism that he battled
so hard against has made him a Jew of the Holocaust in his death bed.
At a time when this man should be enjoying his milestone
of 90 years in health, he fears that his dignity in death has slipped into the
hands of yet another predator, a predator that is only interested in yet
another kill. Yes this woman has killed before, another veteran freedom fighter
of the military in Japan.
Like her victim before, she has isolated him
from the very things he loved and nurtured.
Single handedly she has stripped him bare of his family, his friends,
his love of reading, his love of art, and now is stripping him from his clever
and witty mind. So persuasive is this
devil that she has her manipulated throngs to aid her into his demise.
The very friends, and relatives, that are able
to see through this evil, and pray and speak against this terrorization, are stifled
by our justice systems. Our hands are tied in our attempts to save this victim. We are told by the World Health Organisation
to speak out if we fear for our fellow man is a victim of Elder Abuse. But,
instead we are hushed into submission as our legislation does not quantify this
isolation, and deception, as criminal without what they deem to be ‘solid’ evidence. Without the blood
and the bullet there is no inquiry. There is no mediation, there is no moral
obligation to a victim of Elder Abuse.
Instead health professionals warn the predator of our worries and
concerns, in so doing, isolating the abused further from a dignified life and
This man, who has cried to us (not in the
presence of the devil), “Why
is this happening, why am I in this position, how can she do this?” is so fearful, that
instead of being able to fight again,for HIS freedom, is nobbled by the devil
and made to fear, and feel, that it is best if he just gives up and dies. To
die from illnesses that have never been even told to him, (does he really
suffer from any of these) and to be relieved of his so-called pain, by end of
life medication, so cunningly explained away by the Devil as Panadol via a
cannular, is not just tragic, it is criminal.
But of course these deceptions, and lack of proof for “what is he dying from” are, in fact, not
evidence but simply a caring woman sharing her husband’s death???? This is a cold,
calculating woman who cannot even share in song, ‘Happy Birthday’
with those who have rallied to come to his aid. Instead she drives the wedge of deception
further so he is more and more isolated and dependant on this grim reaper of
death - his ‘wife’.
In Australia we have adopted laws and
legislation for child abuse. We have
legislated that these atrocities shall be quashed in the name of the law. However these legislations have not been
adopted for our ever increasing aged.
Instead our politicians and lobbyists do not
fight for the legislation that will assist the Elderly. Yes we set up advocacy groups for the abused
elder, the public guardian to assist but, unless these elderly are of ‘impaired capacity’ there is no system for reporting of such
abuse without cold hard facts. Do the
legislators not understand that these elderly are victims who already live in
fear? And, in speaking out for
themselves, will only further their existing isolation and abuse, because their
very predator, is often the one that is acting in their ‘best ‘interests.
In our legislated laws against child abuse, our
schools, our community groups, our medical practitioners, and indeed, normal people
have the opportunity to speak out about any suspicion of child abuse confidentially
and, with confidence that our children will be safe and that something will be
done to support these children. Reporting is mandatory, and though there may be
some suspicions of over zealous people, we can feel secure that our young will
have a safe environment free from perpetrators of crime.
However, our elderly do not have the protection
afforded to the children. We, as caring citizens, are not afforded the ability
to report on Elder Abuse without hard fact to support our claims. Somehow in my
mind, this is blatant discrimination against the aged.
We, Australian citizens, are told of our
responsibilities in the reporting of child abuse, to report breeches of border
protection, report drug trafficking and impending crime. However, our elderly are not afforded the
same protection status of those aforementioned.
In conclusion, I am begging that our Elderly are
given the same right of passage as our children. Give them dignity to live
without fear. Give them the dignity to live without isolation. Give them the dignity to feel safe, and that
our laws will include them until their God given time has arrived.
There are far too many silent sufferers. Not because they don't yearn to
reach out, but because they've tried and found no one who cares. --
Richelle E. Goodrich
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