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Friday is IDAHO –International Day Against Homophobia. How sad is it that we can have International
Women’s Day to celebrate the place that women now enjoy in society, Harmony Day
to celebrate cultural diversity in our country, International or Universal Children’s
Day to promote the well-being of children worldwide, and yet, we cannot simply
celebrate LGBTI day to celebrate sexual diversity and harmony within society.
We have to have a day against homophobia! I know the gay movement has made huge
inroads into society’s perception and acceptance of LGBTI people, but there are
still huge changes that need to come about before the straight and gay
community can live as one without fear or prejudice.
I was watching ‘A Place to call Home’ last nite and a poor
man in that, is undergoing the horrendous shock treatment of the 1950’s to cure
him of his ‘ unnatural and perverted urges.’ Thank God those days are behind us
in many parts of the world but, in others, young men are still hanged for being
openly gay. Yet in the same countries,
those metering out justice think it is perfectly fine to have brides as young
as 12 and sodomize young boys on a whim. While the USA is making huge inroads into approving and legalizing same sex marriage, there are some sections of the population that still force their sons into therapy to 'cure' them from this illness. I wonder at which point, some sections of society, actually realize that we did not suddenly wake up one day and decide to be gay. With the bigotry that still exists I really doubt that anyone would choose their sexuality.
To be gay is not an easy life. Yes, it is becoming easier, and there is greater acceptance of who we are. Thank goodness the days of forced marriages to make us appear 'normal ' to the rest of society, are disappearing. I do not understand why it is acceptable to society for a gay man to be in an unhappy marriage (which was blessed in a Church) with a woman with whom he has no intimate relationship, and yet he cannot legitimize a loving relationship with another man that is his soul mate and life long partner. How many same sex couples are able to openly hold hands whenever and wherever they are. We are always aware of our surroundings and become very good at gauging where our little acts of loving and intimacy could result in our being abused or bashed. How many straight couples would fear being bashed for simply holding hands. How many straight couples have to put up with idiots driving past in cars and screaming out 'Fucking Poofters' or similar abuse? Not many I daresay. As for the Bogans who think that we are somehow a threat to them and will hit on them or something - sorry fellas we are not interested in you!
I for one am tired of being told that my life circumstances are my own fault for my lifestyle choices. This in itself confuses me, as I sure as hell did not choose to be gay. I was born this way, just the same as every other person is born with their sexuality. I do not know any other way and, in reality, I love my sexuality and myself. I do not know any other way. This is me!! However, I cannot say the same for all of those close to me. Many have been very keen for me to conform to 'normal' whatever the hell that is. If we cannot have our families accept us unconditionally, the way we are, what hope do we have that the rest of society will? Gay people are simply people! Yes, we tend to seek our own kind but that is simply because we feel comfortable with others of similar ilk. Contrary to popular opinion, it is not all about the pick-up. We understand each other! We have the same needs and wants as the straight community even if we are drama queens at times :)
We go to school the same as everyone else. We nurse you when you are sick. We make you laugh and cry when you watch us in movies and on television. We design your buildings and decorate your houses. We fix your teeth and broken bodies. We defend your country. We cut your hair. We cook your meals. We do the same things as everyone else and everyone is happy to take credit for, and make use of, our talents and creativity. But they still will not allow us to have the same rights as every other person - black, white or brindle!
While in Australia, the LGBTI
community enjoy greater freedoms than ever before, we still lag behind other developed countries with our
discriminatory practices against the LGBTI community. Why are some sections of
society so fearful of allowing same sex marriage? The sun will still rise
tomorrow, Armageddon will not arrive, and really it affects no-one else except
the couple tying the knot. Yet, we need to have a movement that actively
agitates and campaigns for same sex marriage. When I see some of the homophobic
comments placed on social media, I despair and cringe that some sections of
society can be so fearful and bigoted. Secretly, I think that some of these
homophobes would covet a same sex relationship.Are they motivated by jealousy? Methinks they are!
I believe those that can help the LGBTI community break down the barriers and bigotry are mothers. We should love our children unconditionally and when mothers get together to protect their children they are a formidable force with which to be reckoned. So when we look to celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, all mothers should join with their LGBTI children and go into battle for them. Let us celebrate who we are and actively work towards a world where we are not seen as gay or any other label that someone wishes to bestow. We will simply be valued and loved as us. We will celebrate our difference as we are embraced for our sameness, acknowledged for out uniqueness, and loved for ourself!
Let us know of your experience - good and bad!
Bitches Coz
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