Life can be rather hectic but, I knew it needed attention. So firstly I raced to the nursery bought some new seedlings then hurried back for some me time. Got home, dressed in my jungle gear, grabbed my headsets, iPhone, and trusty secateurs and vigorously assaulted the wilderness, I call my garden.
I believe that we all need, and should encourage others, to just have some down time, simply to enjoy the things that we want. It can be vigorous or, it can simply be just reading the novel that you don't get time to read, in the hurried world. Whatever floats your boat, go for it!
I find my solitude in the garden! I turn up the volume in the headset, listen to some stuff that no one else wants to hear, and transform everything back to the way I like it. I find it a way of re-charging my batteries and by the end, I am definitely singing 'What a Wonderful World'. And hopefully, haven't annoyed the neighbours with my rendition!

The old saying -'You must stop and smell the roses' - when done, really does put your life back into perspective. Even if, only for your time of the escape!
Trust me, do it, and don't feel guilty for that little time of selfishness. We all need it! Yes, your thoughts will go back and forth of the things that are worrying, or need your attention, but somehow time out brings it all together. It gives some grounding for what you are going back to. And, the end of the day everything will seem much clearer and give you strength.
Pre-warn your family that you are having time to yourself. Encourage them to do the same from time to time, so they too, may learn to cope with what the world serves us. God knows they will love you more for your honesty, and that. you return to them with a renewed gusto and positive thoughts and they too may sing 'What a wonderful world.'
Bitches Coz
Contact: luke65mcbride@gmail.com
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