Thursday, 31 July 2014

Roundabouts! #life #control #freewill #confidence

Recently we visited a city that was made up, of what seemed to be hundreds of roundabouts, and very few traffic lights.  They ranged from the tiny to the enormous.  All seemed to work very well with the control of traffic rather than what I am used to, with a city full of traffic lights and signs.  My mind did however, think that the Town Planners maps may have been spread on the lunch tables of the road crews, and every coffee ring they placed on the map, would become the new roundabout.  Hence, so many of them! 

Anyhow, contemplating on the advantages of them, I believe that they are a very good idea.  God knows, how many of us have been stuck at a red light and there hasn't been a car in sight for what feels like a dragon flies lifespan! But, we sit there and wait patiently, for what maybe the car approaching from another state.  When you think about it, traffic lights are sort of like a fat controller, and we as the drivers are told when we may proceed.  On the other hand, roundabouts appear to be designed that we have control but, must be mindful of those who enter them.  

This brings my thoughts to relating these traffic controllers to our lives. Many of us are controlled by a process that has been established over the years, and it takes the thinking out of our actions to some extent.  Yes, with traffic lights we are taught to proceed with care. But for most of us, and I know that I am one, once that traffic light goes green, I very rarely look around to check for anyone else. Whereas on roundabouts, in a worldly sense you must be mindful, and ever thinking, of what is going on. Who is on them? Are they on your right? Do we proceed without hurting anyone, or ourselves, in our traffic of life.  

How many of us are controlled by the thought processes that have been handed down from generation to generation?  How many of us can escape those controllers, be free thinking, and caring for those around us.  Many discriminatory rationales have been embedded in our minds by our predecessors, and quite often, we don't think if they are really our own thoughts.  Quite often we just sit there, and wait with the pack to proceed, and not look around to see if we may hurt or harm someone. This in my mind is the Red light group!  Whereas the roundabout people learn to proceed with care, proceed with respect, proceed with ever changing conditions of peak hour or minimal traffic. This group is open to change.  This group is willing to allow those around them, access to the life roundabout, and not block them, but go with the flow.  These people still have free will. These people are ever learning.  These people are not governed by fat controllers, who dictate their minds and their actions..  

Therefore I think as decent law abiding citizens of this world, we should encourage our youth to proceed with care, proceed with compassion, proceed with love.  Yes, there will be minor accidents along the way but, if we teach our children to consider others, to have confidence to proceed and regulate the fat controllers, then I have no doubt they will navigate the road of life with ease.  They will know that each and every living vehicle on our roads, is worthy of entering that roundabout called life.  The traffic jams of life may be a thing of the past.

Therefore, I personally approve of roundabouts and keep putting those coffee rings on the maps of the world.  

Until next time, I welcome you to join me on my roundabout called life.

Cheers !





  1. Here in Minnesota, the land of ten thousand lakes, I'm beginning to feel as though the number of roundabouts are gaining on the number of lakes. Personally, I hate the things. Mostly, because I perceive them as another crappy European idea that doesn't work here. People are set in their ways and after a hundred years of lights and stop signs, we are supposed to suddenly change it up. We are also a land of wide open spaces and randomly throwing a roundabout in the middle of a highway is ludicrous. If they were using them "instead" of lights, I would sort of understand, but they are placing them in weird places just to slow traffic. I think more people have died or been in a accident because they didn't slow down for the circle of nonsense than died from speeding down the road. Thanks for the opportunity to rant:)

  2. Hey Barbara,
    I feel your pain and used to feel the same way about roundabouts - believe me! I have found a lot of it is to do with the placement and design. Just wait till they start adding traffic lights to the roundabouts as they are doing in Australia. However, I find generally that roundabouts are excellent at allowing the traffic to find its own level of flow rather then the stop start of lights! That is why I have used them in my analogy with life's journey, where we learn to take responsibility for our actions on our terms rather than with the stop, start of regulations! Take care, Luke!
