In the last few days we have witnessed the horror of a plane being shot down, completely destroyed, along with the lives of hundreds of great people. To the families and friends of those lost, we hold up our prayers for you, and yours, in your time of mourning and for the beyond.Losing someone to wreckage is a very difficult time as you do not have the chance to walk with them through their journey. You don't have time to plan beyond. And if there was unrest between you, there is no time for a joint settlement and peace.
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How easy is it, to be here today and gone tomorrow? None of us, can afford to leave the opportunity to reach out and touch the lives of others while they are still here. We must offer support and walk with them through their journey. Not one of us is privy to the time when we will finally close our eyes. Once the window of opportunity has closed, there is no second chance, no second take. This is not a dress rehearsal. What we have, is what we've got! It takes very little, to show someone care and compassion. It is so easy to touch someone and show that you are there. It's easy to let others feel the warm breath of comfort. However, once that chance has gone, there is no turning back the clock.
Recently, I wrote a post on the blog about following someone, as they follow you, on social media. I spoke of heads of churches, and aid organizations, having followers by the millions but, these people rarely follow back. I have spoken of prevention and caring before so, I wrote to one of the agencies that offers help to people with emotional difficulties. I asked why they don't follow people back. The answer I received was, they don't have the facilities nor the manning capabilities to follow back. A fair call I guess! But, I cannot understand why that question could be answered with such haste, while that same person could merely click the follow button on their screen for those people, who actually follow them. The number of emails I received in agreement with my question was amazing. There were people from all walks of life and personal circumstances, most of whom never needed the services, but nonetheless agreed with what I had said.
This is where I say - that 'follow', that 'like', that 'touch' - may prevent someone from doing something from which they cannot turn back. That 'follow', that 'like', that 'touch', allows people the thought that someone is there. It allows the people who may be contemplating something life changing, or God forbid, life threatening to realize that these organizations are made up of humans. Caring people, and not robots, who only care for numbers rather than people. People that they are espousing should care for their fellow man.
I said that there were people like myself, who would volunteer to press those 'follow' buttons, so that these people would feel that someone was there with them. The second response to this comment was that it would be passed on to the appropriate leaders, and they would look into it.
My problem with most people who say, 'We will look into it' are quite often, only looking into a mirror at their own reflection. Obviously, never contemplating the needs of those around them and the benefits, that 'follow', that 'like', that 'touch' may bring. Quite often these same people only care how much it may effect their work load or their lifestyle. Yes, it is ok for these people, for when and if the time comes for one of their own, they have myriad's of helpers at their fingertips to help 'their' needy. God help those, that may have only needed that breath of comfort of knowing, they were being 'followed'.
All I am asking that we who were born naked (not those that were born with that silver spoon) reach out and touch someone else's life, before it is indeed, too late.
Write in more and lets discuss this - maybe together we can encourage others to care more.
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