Monday, 21 July 2014

You've Got a Friend #love #compassion #goodness #peace

A few years ago I went to a concert of James Taylor and Carol King. I had heard their song a millions of times in my life, and every time I heard it, it stirred the emotions inside me.  It is of sorts, a flagship of my thoughts. I have tried, and always will try, to be as good, and inclusive, with friends and family as I can be.  To this day it still makes me teary and I think of friends and family. It conjures up memories of the past and its relevance to the present.  Music has always given me strength and pleasure, it makes me meditate, it makes me happy and it heals my sadness.

Happy and sad tears are quite often discouraged with guys and if you do have tears, a lot of people out there say, 'Ah yea, he is gay.'  'That's what they do.'  I however, find tears to be a cleansing, a renewal to my soul, a joyful peace release.  Something that I feel is my greatest asset, something that stirs my emotions, something that brings me alive. (Also good for the tissue manufacturers!) It gives me an outpouring that makes me strive to be a better person.  And you know, I don't care what people say about tears.  In fact, I think that most worldly decisions would be better made over a tear and a thought for our fellow man.

I remember looking around that concert stadium and seeing tears, and emotion, run rampant with that song.  Tears from people of all creeds, colour, age, and gender.  If their were no tears there was a sea of glazed eyes thinking of goodness, love and peace.  There was not one sign of bitterness, or hate, to be found.  Yes, tears and emotions were so high, that one would wish now that all political and religious decisions were made there and then.  If all political and religious leaders showed the emotion of that stadium, there would be no wars. There would be no segregation, no discrimination and no missiles aimlessly launched into airliners that hold the treasure of family, friends, and professionals who may well hold the key to disease. The world would be a far greater place.  

Personally, I would recommend that, that song, should be a worldwide anthem. Scrap the anthems that have no current meaning.  Make 'You've Got a Friend' the anthem!  Encourage our children who are our future to sing it loud, to sing it proud.  Without friends and without emotion this world cannot survive.  Encourage our religious and political leaders to take a leaf from children's minds.  Minds that see no barriers of race, colour, gender or creed.  Minds that are genuine.  Minds that depend on love. Minds that are nurtured by caring and minds that see only good in people.  

Encourage your children to feel emotion and, to express it.  These children are our future. As adults, let's dispense with the thought that tears and emotion are a sign of weakness. Let's encourage an outpouring of our souls and only then may we feel for our fellow man. Let's make this world a stadium of feeling, compassion and friendship.  Let's not teach our children our bigotries, our biases our selfishness or our greed, but teach them the love that we give them in their cribs.  The love that they are the most wonderful creatures on earth.  

Only then can we see a world that is truly better without wars, without missiles, a world full of peace love and harmony.  

These are my thoughts.  Reach out today and tell someone you love and care for them.  It can only get better.





  1. Well said and I strongly agree. Great song, great thoughts. :)

  2. Greatest anthem, great word, great hope
