Recently we visited a
city that was made up, of what seemed to be hundreds of roundabouts, and very
few traffic lights. They ranged from the tiny to the enormous. All
seemed to work very well with the control of traffic rather than what I
am used to, with a city full of traffic lights and signs. My mind did
however, think that the Town Planners maps may have been spread on the
lunch tables of the road crews, and every coffee ring they placed on the
map, would become the new roundabout. Hence, so many of them!
contemplating on the advantages of them, I believe that they are a very
good idea. God knows, how many of us have been stuck at a red light
and there hasn't been a car in sight for what feels like a dragon flies
lifespan! But, we sit there and wait patiently, for what maybe the car
approaching from another state. When
you think about it, traffic lights are sort of like a fat controller, and we
as the drivers are told when we may proceed. On the other hand,
roundabouts appear to be designed that we have control but, must be
mindful of those who enter them.
brings my thoughts to relating these traffic controllers to our lives. Many
of us are controlled by a process that has been established over the
years, and it takes the thinking out of our actions to some extent. Yes,
with traffic lights we are taught to proceed with care. But for most of
us, and I know that I am one, once that traffic light goes green, I very
rarely look around to check for anyone else. Whereas on roundabouts, in a
worldly sense you must be mindful, and ever thinking, of what is going
on. Who is on them? Are they on your right? Do we proceed without
hurting anyone, or ourselves, in our traffic of life.
many of us are controlled by the thought processes that have been
handed down from generation to generation? How many of us can escape
those controllers, be free thinking, and caring for those around us. Many
discriminatory rationales have been embedded in our minds by our
predecessors, and quite often, we don't think if they are really our own
thoughts. Quite often we just sit there, and wait with the pack to
proceed, and not look around to see if we may hurt or harm someone. This in my mind is the Red light group! Whereas the roundabout
people learn to proceed with care, proceed with respect, proceed with
ever changing conditions of peak hour or minimal traffic. This group is
open to change. This group is willing to allow those around them,
access to the life roundabout, and not block them, but go with the flow.
These people still have free will. These people are ever learning.
These people are not governed by fat controllers, who dictate their minds
and their actions..
Therefore I think
as decent law abiding citizens of this world, we should encourage our
youth to proceed with care, proceed with compassion, proceed with love. Yes,
there will be minor accidents along the way but, if we teach our
children to consider others, to have confidence to
proceed and regulate the fat controllers, then I have no doubt they will navigate the road of life with ease. They will know that each
and every living vehicle on our roads, is worthy of entering that roundabout
called life. The traffic jams of life may be a thing of the past.
Therefore, I personally approve of roundabouts and keep putting those coffee rings on the maps of the world.
Until next time, I welcome you to join me on my roundabout called life.
Cheers !
The aim of this blog is to provide a forum to discuss, debate and deliberate over all the things both large and small that tick us off. We aim to give credit where credit due, but with humour, venom, kindness and tears we will bring you commentary on anything and everything. no-one is safe!!!
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Don't Touch my Bike Seat! #share #payitforward #love
often we complain our heads off, that our loved ones don't take any notice
of us, or, don't show interest in what we do. When they do, we must learn
to be gracious and thankful that they do.
For instance the other day I wrote my piece on 'Roses are Red' not thinking for a moment that he, my partner, would read, let alone comment on, my reflections. He showed a positive reaction that only was fit for a queen and the subtleties were beyond imagination.
It all started with his caring and concern for my needs while hunched over my iPad writing. The coffee, and the hot chocolate just appeared beside me, as if we had imported a top waiter from one of the finest dining establishments in Europe. The canapés appeared as fast as they came out of the oven. His positive vibes were encouraging and up lifting. My best friend phoned a few times to inquire of my day, and I began to smell a rat as to why she kept the inquiry up! Why she quizzically hinted how great it is that partners were so thoughtful! And was mine? As I am sooooo non conspiratorial, I just agreed and kept on agreeing that owing to the latest developments I was indeed blessed.
Late in the afternoon we went on our usual sojourn to the shops and suddenly my suspicions which others possess (usually not I, he he) surfaced. Each time my 'just in case' items appeared in the trolley, they stayed! No Houdini fairy acts today I thought. We approached the checkout and there I was thinking I was home clear when, he suddenly needed a tinkle, leaving me to pick up the tab. Leaving the supermarket and spying some nice fashion statements, I ask him of his lotto ticket obsession, considering he had already just pulled one of my favourite tricks just before. But no, he said, 'No need for lotto today, I purchased on line.' Something I had never experienced before. But ok, I thought and we pushed the trolley to the car with the 'just in case', the regular, and his bargain items. This was fast becoming a strange turn of events.
We arrived home, trundled the purchases into the house and suddenly he said, 'Going for a ride, you care to join?'. I said not at the moment but would catch him up in a while after I packed his 10 packs of bargain 'kleenex' in an appropriate space along with my 'just in cases'. I then raced to the bedroom to deck myself out in the new sports clothes I had bought a few days earlier while he was having his trickle. Thought how fab I looked and proceeded to the garage to my bike to meet him at our rendezvous point.
Right then and there the penny dropped - my best friend's quiz, his over concern, his trickle at the checkout, buying the lotto on line. Those pennies dropped, like a coin vending machine before my very eyes, when I looked at my bike with the seat missing completely. The language of compassion flowed through my mind and out of my lips that I am sure he would hear even though he be deaf and kilometres from home.
When he arrived home his care was astounding as to why I had not joined him. I just said to him that my seat had fallen off my bike and I must have misplaced it last time I rode. His little look of the executioner appeared and he said that, I still should have joined him, as my new clothes and myself would have fitted snugly on the bike! Then he uttered his final word of, 'touché'.
Ok we settled the problem discretely. The bike seat was re-attached and all was forgiven so we moved on.
The moral to the story is, with those around us we should be true, non secretive and open to each other. Only then can we really know the depth of love. Only then can they be open and loving to us. Above all, that love should accept, appreciate, share, and forgive each other for both our flaws and our potential.
Ok, now that I have established the seed of forgiveness with him, and have assured him, I will not send him to trickle or, encourage his lotto penchant, he has given me a great idea that is much more discreet. I have his credit card in hand, and I'm off to the computer to browse some online fashion stores :)
Until next time, keep safe!
For instance the other day I wrote my piece on 'Roses are Red' not thinking for a moment that he, my partner, would read, let alone comment on, my reflections. He showed a positive reaction that only was fit for a queen and the subtleties were beyond imagination.
It all started with his caring and concern for my needs while hunched over my iPad writing. The coffee, and the hot chocolate just appeared beside me, as if we had imported a top waiter from one of the finest dining establishments in Europe. The canapés appeared as fast as they came out of the oven. His positive vibes were encouraging and up lifting. My best friend phoned a few times to inquire of my day, and I began to smell a rat as to why she kept the inquiry up! Why she quizzically hinted how great it is that partners were so thoughtful! And was mine? As I am sooooo non conspiratorial, I just agreed and kept on agreeing that owing to the latest developments I was indeed blessed.
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Late in the afternoon we went on our usual sojourn to the shops and suddenly my suspicions which others possess (usually not I, he he) surfaced. Each time my 'just in case' items appeared in the trolley, they stayed! No Houdini fairy acts today I thought. We approached the checkout and there I was thinking I was home clear when, he suddenly needed a tinkle, leaving me to pick up the tab. Leaving the supermarket and spying some nice fashion statements, I ask him of his lotto ticket obsession, considering he had already just pulled one of my favourite tricks just before. But no, he said, 'No need for lotto today, I purchased on line.' Something I had never experienced before. But ok, I thought and we pushed the trolley to the car with the 'just in case', the regular, and his bargain items. This was fast becoming a strange turn of events.
We arrived home, trundled the purchases into the house and suddenly he said, 'Going for a ride, you care to join?'. I said not at the moment but would catch him up in a while after I packed his 10 packs of bargain 'kleenex' in an appropriate space along with my 'just in cases'. I then raced to the bedroom to deck myself out in the new sports clothes I had bought a few days earlier while he was having his trickle. Thought how fab I looked and proceeded to the garage to my bike to meet him at our rendezvous point.
Right then and there the penny dropped - my best friend's quiz, his over concern, his trickle at the checkout, buying the lotto on line. Those pennies dropped, like a coin vending machine before my very eyes, when I looked at my bike with the seat missing completely. The language of compassion flowed through my mind and out of my lips that I am sure he would hear even though he be deaf and kilometres from home.
When he arrived home his care was astounding as to why I had not joined him. I just said to him that my seat had fallen off my bike and I must have misplaced it last time I rode. His little look of the executioner appeared and he said that, I still should have joined him, as my new clothes and myself would have fitted snugly on the bike! Then he uttered his final word of, 'touché'.
Ok we settled the problem discretely. The bike seat was re-attached and all was forgiven so we moved on.
The moral to the story is, with those around us we should be true, non secretive and open to each other. Only then can we really know the depth of love. Only then can they be open and loving to us. Above all, that love should accept, appreciate, share, and forgive each other for both our flaws and our potential.
Ok, now that I have established the seed of forgiveness with him, and have assured him, I will not send him to trickle or, encourage his lotto penchant, he has given me a great idea that is much more discreet. I have his credit card in hand, and I'm off to the computer to browse some online fashion stores :)
Until next time, keep safe!
gay boys,
pay it forward,
Brisbane QLD, Australia
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue! #love #acceptance #tolerance
I am sure there are a lot of you out there, that are from my planet 'Shopalot' and, for those who are from the planet, 'Do-you-really-need-it', this may help you to understand our dilemma
As most of you are aware, I love fashion, love shoes, love gadgets. Ok, I
just love shopping! For the retailers out there, I am sure you love me
and others from my planet. Yes, we are the ones that go ga ga and very
rarely pass those promotional stands you place so provocatively in the stores.
You bring the zing to our to our credit cards and, put the bling into our
My partner and I have one of those mixed unions, he is from the 'Do-you-really-need-it' Planet and the suburb to which he belongs is 'Bargain-Basement' but, for most times there is no difference in equality. That is until we shop together. When grocery shopping, I am forever having this little fairy throw a cloud of fairy dust into my trolley and those little extras just disappear (poof) before we hit the check out - amazing his powers! Those 'just in case items' never get to be quantified on the shelves at home. (That is when we shop together.) Otherwise, when shopping alone I have a steady supply on the shelf for those 'just in case' situations.
As afore mentioned I like fashion and shoes! <3 <3 I don't quite understand how he gets so thingy about my ins and outs to clothing stores, when I allow him to peruse the bargains for the 'on sale' items in the cleaning isle of the supermarket, to the point of my distraction. He should never complain, because I don't waste his time in fitting rooms! I just buy off the rack and never try on - just buy and take home and if they don't fit I never drag him back to the shops for a return. And after all, he wears my clothes anyway. He quite often says, that with being able to wear my clothes, he never needs to shop for 100 years. So, I am doing him a favour right? And when I buy a shirt for that special occasion, do you hear me complain that he has worn it and got food stains on it before I have even had time to remember I actually bought it. Never! Ok, I may lower the height of his bike seat but I never complain. (Ooops)
Shopping with someone of a different persuasion can really strengthen your patience levels. It gives you an insight into how the other half live. This is healthy right? It helps you to appreciate the differences and to work on them so there is no misunderstanding for future reference. Impulse and procrastinatory shoppers can live in harmony. Those from my planet must learn the techniques of disguise when shopping. Put the things for 'just in case' at the bottom of the trolley so he doesn't see until at the register. Because then he gets too embarrassed to hand back, without causing a stink about it, in front of the checkout operator. When you spot a store whose clothes look wonderful, ask him if he needs to go for a wee walk or buy the lotto ticket so you can make your dash, and while he is in for a trickle you buy and secrete until you get home. It takes practice, but, with time you get better, he he! Linger patiently over his bargains, as then you have leverage for those times when you can't just grab and run with your fashion statement.
Yes this is tongue in cheek stuff, but it does show that we all have differences and we all must get along with each other. Respect our differences and work with them. The pleasure of knowing that we are all different, and yet can accept each other for what we are, can be and is a rewarding insight into life's joys and peace.
These are my thoughts! Anyway, until next time remember:
My partner and I have one of those mixed unions, he is from the 'Do-you-really-need-it' Planet and the suburb to which he belongs is 'Bargain-Basement' but, for most times there is no difference in equality. That is until we shop together. When grocery shopping, I am forever having this little fairy throw a cloud of fairy dust into my trolley and those little extras just disappear (poof) before we hit the check out - amazing his powers! Those 'just in case items' never get to be quantified on the shelves at home. (That is when we shop together.) Otherwise, when shopping alone I have a steady supply on the shelf for those 'just in case' situations.
As afore mentioned I like fashion and shoes! <3 <3 I don't quite understand how he gets so thingy about my ins and outs to clothing stores, when I allow him to peruse the bargains for the 'on sale' items in the cleaning isle of the supermarket, to the point of my distraction. He should never complain, because I don't waste his time in fitting rooms! I just buy off the rack and never try on - just buy and take home and if they don't fit I never drag him back to the shops for a return. And after all, he wears my clothes anyway. He quite often says, that with being able to wear my clothes, he never needs to shop for 100 years. So, I am doing him a favour right? And when I buy a shirt for that special occasion, do you hear me complain that he has worn it and got food stains on it before I have even had time to remember I actually bought it. Never! Ok, I may lower the height of his bike seat but I never complain. (Ooops)
Shopping with someone of a different persuasion can really strengthen your patience levels. It gives you an insight into how the other half live. This is healthy right? It helps you to appreciate the differences and to work on them so there is no misunderstanding for future reference. Impulse and procrastinatory shoppers can live in harmony. Those from my planet must learn the techniques of disguise when shopping. Put the things for 'just in case' at the bottom of the trolley so he doesn't see until at the register. Because then he gets too embarrassed to hand back, without causing a stink about it, in front of the checkout operator. When you spot a store whose clothes look wonderful, ask him if he needs to go for a wee walk or buy the lotto ticket so you can make your dash, and while he is in for a trickle you buy and secrete until you get home. It takes practice, but, with time you get better, he he! Linger patiently over his bargains, as then you have leverage for those times when you can't just grab and run with your fashion statement.
Yes this is tongue in cheek stuff, but it does show that we all have differences and we all must get along with each other. Respect our differences and work with them. The pleasure of knowing that we are all different, and yet can accept each other for what we are, can be and is a rewarding insight into life's joys and peace.
These are my thoughts! Anyway, until next time remember:
are red,
are blue,
him to stay home,
And our
love will be true!' Cheers!
true love
Brisbane QLD, Australia
Friday, 25 July 2014
Nothing's Gonna Harm You #love #samesexmarriage #lgbti
You know,
loving someone to me, is as individual as your personal view of the
sunset or the rising sun. We look at something, and others see a totally
different slant, than we do. Not one of our views is incorrect, as
it comes from within.
Views on loving someone is as individual as our DNA. So how can love be compartmentalized? How can any love be wrong? How can a love between two consenting adults be discouraged? How can churches dictate how not to love, when their whole philosophy (apparently) is based on love? Why does politics, stick its ugly head in there and follow churches, when you only have to look at Parliamentary sittings and know there is not a lot of love happening in our houses of government. Surely if church philosophy governs governments, then they should cast out politicians daily for their lack of love and support for each other.
When a mother loves a child, does she not see that her child is the most glorious, beautiful creature. No matter how others see that child, that love is as individual as that sunrise viewed by millions. But her love does not lesson as the sun sets on that child's years. The same can be said for the love that most of us feel for our partners. Admittedly, the love is not of blood, but our love for that person is as unique as our fingerprints.
Is this love based on sex, I don't think so. Yes it does play a part as an expression of that love, but for most of us I guess, as the sun goes down on our years and we just sit, and hold the hand of the one we love, sex will not play a big part. The big part will be the constancy, the impact of the sharing of ourselves for the long haul. The reflectiveness, the joy, that our love has brought to our lives.
Over the years inter-racial unions have formed, and luckily for most, seeing people of different colours walking hand in hand has been exorcised from the bigoted minds. (Which was brought on mainly by religions I feel.) For most of us we don't even look at the colour. What we do look at however is the love that is present in that union, that joy and respect for each other. I personally cannot see the problem with unions of any kind. Yes, you may say because I am gay is why I feel that same sex unions should be accepted without discrimination. Not so! It is because I believe we have the fundamental right to choose who we wish to spend our lives with, and no one, should be frowned upon because of that love. We are consenting adults with our own minds and hearts.
Personally I feel if you are not harming anyone else then your love should be accepted, encouraged and respected. No Church, no government, should have the right to change our hearts and God given makeup. Not once do we see churches or governments frown upon the union of a man or a woman who is unionized, so to speak, with someone much younger than themselves. For most, they simply say, 'Good on them!' and not give it a second thought. Never once do we see the church frown on the union of a man and a woman who are past procreational years. However, procreation is one of the platforms they stand on, to exempt same sex marriages. What does the actual, physical, sexual act have anything to do with people who have chosen to stay pure, which again, is their their right.
We also see churches refuse membership to those who have divorced without the written annulment of their marriage vows. I just want to know how the church proclaims an annulment between a member of the clergy who is married to the Son of God etc. I sure as hell would not be saying that one of those parties has fallen out of love with the other, hence giving them approval to move on and take the sacraments. No, my signature would not be going on that piece of parchment, that's for sure!
Moving on, I believe that each of us has the right to love and be in love with whoever we wish. In my childlike mind I just pray that the world will move faster on equality of love. I want each and every one in the world to be able to love who they want without judgement. Like the mother looking into the crib of her child, look in our partner's eyes and make the same vow as the mother makes to her child, 'Nothings gonna Harm you! Not while I'm around'.
These are my thoughts,
Views on loving someone is as individual as our DNA. So how can love be compartmentalized? How can any love be wrong? How can a love between two consenting adults be discouraged? How can churches dictate how not to love, when their whole philosophy (apparently) is based on love? Why does politics, stick its ugly head in there and follow churches, when you only have to look at Parliamentary sittings and know there is not a lot of love happening in our houses of government. Surely if church philosophy governs governments, then they should cast out politicians daily for their lack of love and support for each other.
When a mother loves a child, does she not see that her child is the most glorious, beautiful creature. No matter how others see that child, that love is as individual as that sunrise viewed by millions. But her love does not lesson as the sun sets on that child's years. The same can be said for the love that most of us feel for our partners. Admittedly, the love is not of blood, but our love for that person is as unique as our fingerprints.
Is this love based on sex, I don't think so. Yes it does play a part as an expression of that love, but for most of us I guess, as the sun goes down on our years and we just sit, and hold the hand of the one we love, sex will not play a big part. The big part will be the constancy, the impact of the sharing of ourselves for the long haul. The reflectiveness, the joy, that our love has brought to our lives.
Over the years inter-racial unions have formed, and luckily for most, seeing people of different colours walking hand in hand has been exorcised from the bigoted minds. (Which was brought on mainly by religions I feel.) For most of us we don't even look at the colour. What we do look at however is the love that is present in that union, that joy and respect for each other. I personally cannot see the problem with unions of any kind. Yes, you may say because I am gay is why I feel that same sex unions should be accepted without discrimination. Not so! It is because I believe we have the fundamental right to choose who we wish to spend our lives with, and no one, should be frowned upon because of that love. We are consenting adults with our own minds and hearts.
Personally I feel if you are not harming anyone else then your love should be accepted, encouraged and respected. No Church, no government, should have the right to change our hearts and God given makeup. Not once do we see churches or governments frown upon the union of a man or a woman who is unionized, so to speak, with someone much younger than themselves. For most, they simply say, 'Good on them!' and not give it a second thought. Never once do we see the church frown on the union of a man and a woman who are past procreational years. However, procreation is one of the platforms they stand on, to exempt same sex marriages. What does the actual, physical, sexual act have anything to do with people who have chosen to stay pure, which again, is their their right.
We also see churches refuse membership to those who have divorced without the written annulment of their marriage vows. I just want to know how the church proclaims an annulment between a member of the clergy who is married to the Son of God etc. I sure as hell would not be saying that one of those parties has fallen out of love with the other, hence giving them approval to move on and take the sacraments. No, my signature would not be going on that piece of parchment, that's for sure!
Moving on, I believe that each of us has the right to love and be in love with whoever we wish. In my childlike mind I just pray that the world will move faster on equality of love. I want each and every one in the world to be able to love who they want without judgement. Like the mother looking into the crib of her child, look in our partner's eyes and make the same vow as the mother makes to her child, 'Nothings gonna Harm you! Not while I'm around'.
These are my thoughts,
gay rights,
gay rights movement,
Brisbane QLD, Australia
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Being Alive! #love #caring #insecurities #alive
With iPad and
mug of hot chocolate, I followed the sun for the morning warmth in my
courtyard among my flowers and visiting birds. I was ready to write my
thank-you notes to those who emailed me on my last article,
'You've got a Friend'. Suddenly into my solitude, burst the sounds of a
young re-incarnated Elaine Stritch or very alive Bernadette Peters
belting out 'Let it go' from the musical "Frozen". This young 4 year
old neighbour has the voice of an angel and the lungs of all the divas
I sat and drank my
chocolate and just listened to the lyrics of wisdom proffered by this
little diva. By now, most of you will have realized that music really
floats my boat. It makes me feel alive, and the lyrics and uplifting of
this song with its heart felt words made me think of Sondheim's 'Being
Alive'. And there in my head was an ensemble of Patti Lu Pone, Barbra
Streisand, Bernadette Peters, and Sondheim himself on keyboard. What a
performance was going on in my head! Not to mention, I too, was up
there on stage offering my dulcet tones to the mix.
Coming off stage with the greats, my thoughts of thank-you notes passed and, I just wanted to share that if we all took those words into our everyday lives, as I feel the master writer himself intended, we could make a real difference. If we opened our hearts and and minds to those around us, gave a little of ourselves, all of our lives would be indeed blessed.
It just means giving a little to those around us - reaching out and making a difference. Every gentle touch builds to a worldwide hug. A hug that this world really needs right now. Not one person really needs to go it alone. All it takes is a nod of assurance, a gentle smile, a warm hello. Each and everyone of us, has the capability to do at least one of these things. God knows, with each and everyone of us turning to our neighbour, and giving a warm hello and an encouraging glance, it may stop the cycle of war and injustice.
Let's all try to be a cycle breaker, lets show our friends, our families and our new found friends that we are as insecure as they are. That we too need someone to be close to. Someone to share with, someone to give, someone to mock us with praise and someone to love.
Let's break this self fulfilling prophecy of doom and gloom and fill it with hope. Let's fill it with a song of joy, a song of freedom, a song of equality. Let's join my little neighbour in her song of 'Let it Go' and let go of the prejudices, the anger and loneliness.
Join me on stage with my ensemble! Declare that we want to be crowded with love, love that comes through caring! Know that there is someone to help us shed our insecurities and not to be frightened any more. Help us survive and give us hope that we are truly 'Being Alive'.
These are my thoughts.
Coming off stage with the greats, my thoughts of thank-you notes passed and, I just wanted to share that if we all took those words into our everyday lives, as I feel the master writer himself intended, we could make a real difference. If we opened our hearts and and minds to those around us, gave a little of ourselves, all of our lives would be indeed blessed.
It just means giving a little to those around us - reaching out and making a difference. Every gentle touch builds to a worldwide hug. A hug that this world really needs right now. Not one person really needs to go it alone. All it takes is a nod of assurance, a gentle smile, a warm hello. Each and everyone of us, has the capability to do at least one of these things. God knows, with each and everyone of us turning to our neighbour, and giving a warm hello and an encouraging glance, it may stop the cycle of war and injustice.
Let's all try to be a cycle breaker, lets show our friends, our families and our new found friends that we are as insecure as they are. That we too need someone to be close to. Someone to share with, someone to give, someone to mock us with praise and someone to love.
Let's break this self fulfilling prophecy of doom and gloom and fill it with hope. Let's fill it with a song of joy, a song of freedom, a song of equality. Let's join my little neighbour in her song of 'Let it Go' and let go of the prejudices, the anger and loneliness.
Join me on stage with my ensemble! Declare that we want to be crowded with love, love that comes through caring! Know that there is someone to help us shed our insecurities and not to be frightened any more. Help us survive and give us hope that we are truly 'Being Alive'.
These are my thoughts.
unselfish hugs
Brisbane QLD, Australia
Monday, 21 July 2014
You've Got a Friend #love #compassion #goodness #peace
Happy and sad tears are quite often discouraged with guys and if you do have tears, a lot of people out there say, 'Ah yea, he is gay.' 'That's what they do.' I however, find tears to be a cleansing, a renewal to my soul, a joyful peace release. Something that I feel is my greatest asset, something that stirs my emotions, something that brings me alive. (Also good for the tissue manufacturers!) It gives me an outpouring that makes me strive to be a better person. And you know, I don't care what people say about tears. In fact, I think that most worldly decisions would be better made over a tear and a thought for our fellow man.
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Personally, I would recommend that, that song, should be a worldwide anthem. Scrap the anthems that have no current meaning. Make 'You've Got a Friend' the anthem! Encourage our children who are our future to sing it loud, to sing it proud. Without friends and without emotion this world cannot survive. Encourage our religious and political leaders to take a leaf from children's minds. Minds that see no barriers of race, colour, gender or creed. Minds that are genuine. Minds that depend on love. Minds that are nurtured by caring and minds that see only good in people.
Encourage your children to feel emotion and, to express it. These children are our future. As adults, let's dispense with the thought that tears and emotion are a sign of weakness. Let's encourage an outpouring of our souls and only then may we feel for our fellow man. Let's make this world a stadium of feeling, compassion and friendship. Let's not teach our children our bigotries, our biases our selfishness or our greed, but teach them the love that we give them in their cribs. The love that they are the most wonderful creatures on earth.
Only then can we see a world that is truly better without wars, without missiles, a world full of peace love and harmony.
These are my thoughts. Reach out today and tell someone you love and care for them. It can only get better.
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Brisbane QLD, Australia
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Reach Out and Touch #caring #compassion #isolation
In the last few days we have witnessed the horror of a plane being shot down, completely destroyed, along with the lives of hundreds of great people. To the families and friends of those lost, we hold up our prayers for you, and yours, in your time of mourning and for the beyond.Losing someone to wreckage is a very difficult time as you do not have the chance to walk with them through their journey. You don't have time to plan beyond. And if there was unrest between you, there is no time for a joint settlement and peace.
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How easy is it, to be here today and gone tomorrow? None of us, can afford to leave the opportunity to reach out and touch the lives of others while they are still here. We must offer support and walk with them through their journey. Not one of us is privy to the time when we will finally close our eyes. Once the window of opportunity has closed, there is no second chance, no second take. This is not a dress rehearsal. What we have, is what we've got! It takes very little, to show someone care and compassion. It is so easy to touch someone and show that you are there. It's easy to let others feel the warm breath of comfort. However, once that chance has gone, there is no turning back the clock.
Recently, I wrote a post on the blog about following someone, as they follow you, on social media. I spoke of heads of churches, and aid organizations, having followers by the millions but, these people rarely follow back. I have spoken of prevention and caring before so, I wrote to one of the agencies that offers help to people with emotional difficulties. I asked why they don't follow people back. The answer I received was, they don't have the facilities nor the manning capabilities to follow back. A fair call I guess! But, I cannot understand why that question could be answered with such haste, while that same person could merely click the follow button on their screen for those people, who actually follow them. The number of emails I received in agreement with my question was amazing. There were people from all walks of life and personal circumstances, most of whom never needed the services, but nonetheless agreed with what I had said.
This is where I say - that 'follow', that 'like', that 'touch' - may prevent someone from doing something from which they cannot turn back. That 'follow', that 'like', that 'touch', allows people the thought that someone is there. It allows the people who may be contemplating something life changing, or God forbid, life threatening to realize that these organizations are made up of humans. Caring people, and not robots, who only care for numbers rather than people. People that they are espousing should care for their fellow man.
I said that there were people like myself, who would volunteer to press those 'follow' buttons, so that these people would feel that someone was there with them. The second response to this comment was that it would be passed on to the appropriate leaders, and they would look into it.
My problem with most people who say, 'We will look into it' are quite often, only looking into a mirror at their own reflection. Obviously, never contemplating the needs of those around them and the benefits, that 'follow', that 'like', that 'touch' may bring. Quite often these same people only care how much it may effect their work load or their lifestyle. Yes, it is ok for these people, for when and if the time comes for one of their own, they have myriad's of helpers at their fingertips to help 'their' needy. God help those, that may have only needed that breath of comfort of knowing, they were being 'followed'.
All I am asking that we who were born naked (not those that were born with that silver spoon) reach out and touch someone else's life, before it is indeed, too late.
Write in more and lets discuss this - maybe together we can encourage others to care more.
Brisbane QLD, Australia
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