So to carry on with the extended topic - I was thinking how many of us, (me included), forget to give thanks, and be grateful for where we are today? Give thanks for the help we are given along the way. To give thanks and truly mean it! It is so easy to just say thanks as we speed out the door and, not make others around us feel as special as they are to us.
In this world, we forget we came in naked and, we will probably go out wearing an ill-fitting, tasteless outfit, chosen by someone else. An outfit that has probably been cut down the back to fit our mortal remains before they turn to dust. A terrible thought I know, but that's life really. When I leave here, I would like to be respected for caring and giving thanks to those who helped me. Thanks to those who helped me on my journey, not just those who happened to be around before I finally close my eyes. My journey has not been just me. My journey thus far, has been scattered with great people. People who made me feel important! People who gave me strength. People who helped, encouraged and lifted me in my low times and, people with whom I have laughed and who made me laugh in those highs.
There are very few indeed, that need not be grateful for someone, along their journey. Everyone has needed, and needs, other people in their lives. There would be no kingdoms, no religions, no businesses, no existence, and dare I say, celebrity without people.
This thought brought me to running my fingers through the blue ticks in our Twitter accounts. You look at the great magazines, the businesses, the successful entrepreneurs - the majority of these have vast numbers of followers, and barring a few, follow others. They probably believe that these people keep them in the life to which they have become accustomed. Or maybe, they are simply grateful for those people that have enabled their careers, their magazines, their sites and businesses to be successful.
I try to avoid following celebrities, so it was a new experience to see their figures. This made me stop and think. Over the last few years I watched a guy forging a new career in singing and songwriting. I saw him ask (begging maybe harsh) for people to download his You Tube clip so that he could afford a follow up single for his loyal and faithful fans. This song made us excited and proud that we too could be out, and we all be, whatever boy he was. Yes, even Australians. So I looked him up - he has thousands and thousands of followers, and he is following about 300! I then randomly searched for names of 'stars' or, are they 'divas', of song and screen. Combined they have millions and millions of followers and yet they follow very few. The leader of one of the major churches has 4.5 million followers and yet follows 8. Strangely the followers appear to be in the same building and a majority of them carry his name in one form or the other.
This just made me think. Where would these people be without the followers. Without the followers, would they be walking the red carpets of the world. Would they be demanding a King's ransom for their next movie or recording deal? Would they be able to holiday in their summer palaces without the followers pouring their hard earned money into the collection plates? Not for one minute am I envious of these people nor, do I doubt the great works that some do. Nor do I doubt, the day in day out struggle, of selling their talents to the public in their formative years. I am simply asking the question, do these people give thanks, and follow their followers, giving them thanks for establishing their chosen journey? Looking at those figures, I wonder!
I just realize, though my life is filled and I have experienced plenty, I still must give thanks, and meaningful gratitude, to those who have helped me on my journey, past and in the future.
You probably realize by now that I am truly into music. I reflect on it. It gives me joy. It lifts and makes me mellow. Therefore, the song Grateful that I found on You Tube. I had never heard before, I don't even know if it is affiliated with a church. All I know is that in the credits it states that it is a love song for the world. After hearing I truly felt like one of the world. Listen and let me know.
Today, I conclude with I believe that we should strive to give thanks, and be grateful, to those who follow us on our journey. For when I close my eyes, and face my maker, I want to be welcomed in to party. I don't want to be asked did I give thanks and follow others. The day I close my eyes, I don't want my maker to say your faithful followers are inside, but unfortunately, there is no room in the Inn for you.